Emergency Family Shelters

Volunteers of America provides emergency housing to entire families. We were the first family shelter in Rochester and are now one of only two shelters in Rochester to house entire families. And, we take families of any composition, whether it is couples with children, single moms or single dads with children, same sex couples with children or families with extended members, all are welcome at the Volunteers of America Guest House. 

Being homeless is traumatic enough, so we work hard to keep families together by providing them with their own room and a safe, stable environment so they can pause to work on solutions to their housing crisis.

VOA’s Family Housing in Rochester

Volunteers of America provides immediate emergency shelter and support services for homeless families with children at The Guest House. This 15-unit emergency family shelter is one of only two shelters in Rochester that allows families in crisis to stay together. The goal is to provide immediate shelter and help families find appropriate, permanent affordable housing. VOA provides the basic daily living needs such as food, clothing, and hygiene supplies along with case management services to connect them with a wide range of community resources to help them get back on track. The Guest House serves more than 300 families annually in Rochester.

How the VOA Guest Houses helps families:

The “Bank of America Guest Room” is a private family room that was dedicated in honor of the company’s support for VOA’s Guest House over the years. Many thanks to the Bank of America!

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