Housing and Homelessness
VOA provides an array of housing and support services for those struggling with homelessness.
Any person can become homeless at any given moment. VOA believes the key to addressing the needs of homeless families and individuals is to provide a continuum of support services (in addition to housing and food) to help people develop more stable, self-sufficient lives. As a result, they are given the tools necessary to rise out of poverty and break the cycle of homelessness.
We offer a safe place where the homeless can come in from the cold…a place where they can recover from the crisis in their lives and begin to rebuild…a place where someone believes in them and is there to help without judgement.
Housing Programs and Services

Emergency Family Shelters
Being homeless is traumatic enough, so we work to keep families together by providing them with their own rooms in a safe, stable environment.

Housing for Seniors
Poverty can affect anyone – regardless of age. Our Cobblestone Senior Apartments are specifically designated for low-income older adults (62+) who are at risk of being homeless.

Housing for Veterans
We offer homeless veterans access to safe, supportive housing and individualized support services to help address a variety of needs for those who have served our country.

Permanent Supportive Housing
We provide supportive housing for people who have recurring bouts of homelessness, and are dealing with mental health or addiction issues, or are at-risk of becoming homeless.

Residential Reentry Center
VOA provides transitional housing and support to adults leaving correctional facilities. Our Residential Reentry Center and Community-Based Residential Programs help adults transition from incarceration and get a fresh start.

Rapid Re-housing
We help homeless individuals and families access permanent housing through the use of short-term rental subsidies and support services. Once stabilized, participants take responsibility for their rent.